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    發(fā)布時間:2023-04-13 14:46:39     稿源: 創(chuàng)意嶺    閱讀: 96        











    We are certainly not unfamiliar with the word "Sports". There are many kinds of sports, such as running, swimming, football and so on. Now all kinds of sports have been popularized all over the country.



    Sports can not only bring us fun, but also let us feel fairness, unity, friendship, speed and passion. Therefore, everyone likes sports, and I am no exception.


    Our body is the most important is health, and health is closely related to sports, do more exercise, can strengthen the body, beneficial to the body and mind. So, I applied to join the sports club.


















    1、豐富學(xué)生在校生活 現(xiàn)在的學(xué)生們在校期間無非就是上課、學(xué)習(xí),僅有的課間休息時間有時也會用寫作業(yè)來占掉,這樣長期下去,學(xué)生自然會感到無聊乏味。所以,本社團(tuán)將會推出一系列積極的活動來使學(xué)生們調(diào)整心情,使其對學(xué)校生活的感覺更多的是樂趣、多彩、豐富、充實,學(xué)習(xí)與娛樂放松都不少,才能讓大家愛上學(xué)校,愛上多彩多姿的校園生活。

    2、提高學(xué)生之間的集體觀念和團(tuán)結(jié)精神 現(xiàn)在的孩子多是處于獨生子女家庭,因此,難免會缺少一些集體觀念和相互合作的團(tuán)結(jié)精神。學(xué)校創(chuàng)辦由學(xué)生組織的社團(tuán)不也正是為了給學(xué)生們一個鍛煉的機嗎?本社團(tuán)會出現(xiàn)的一些形式多樣的活動(如:共同學(xué)習(xí)舞蹈、自行編排原創(chuàng)舞蹈等)都會大大的起到提升同學(xué)們集體觀念與團(tuán)結(jié)精神的作用,讓學(xué)生之間更有凝聚力更懂得集體與團(tuán)結(jié)的重要性。

    3、使學(xué)生了解舞蹈,避免沉迷 大學(xué)的生活豐富多彩,時下的同學(xué)們卻又大多沉迷網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲,本人因反對糜爛的生活。提倡高中應(yīng)有健康、充實、豐富精彩的生活。所以,成立舞蹈協(xié)會,可以改善同學(xué)的課外生活,脫離網(wǎng)游,脫離現(xiàn)實社會對青少年的不良影響。讓更多的同學(xué)生活陽光起來。畢竟運動是健康的開始,舞蹈是聚氣的根源。

    4、培養(yǎng)學(xué)生自信心與創(chuàng)新意識 書、本、筆似乎已經(jīng)成了當(dāng)代學(xué)生的代名詞。但誰又意識到了學(xué)生們真正缺少的東西?是自信心與創(chuàng)新意識。試想,當(dāng)同學(xué)們在學(xué)校里呆了三年,畢業(yè)之后卻連上臺講一句話都扭扭捏捏,那將會給后輩留下怎樣的印象?針對這一問題,我們舞蹈協(xié)會將會組織學(xué)生編排舞蹈,并親自安排服裝,音樂,流程等進(jìn)行表演。使學(xué)生在交流中激發(fā)創(chuàng)意,在娛樂中鍛煉能力。

    5、發(fā)掘并培養(yǎng)藝術(shù)才華 舞蹈,是一種具有永不過時氣質(zhì)的藝術(shù),然而,藝術(shù)又是什么?它是一種另類的創(chuàng)意,是以特殊的方式展現(xiàn),是非凡的,甚至是一種現(xiàn)實美的超越。在生活中,擁有藝術(shù)潛質(zhì)的人并不少,但就是因為欠缺發(fā)掘與培養(yǎng),所以此類人才就在冥冥中被埋沒了。將來舞蹈協(xié)會的活動中會提供同學(xué)們大膽展示自己獨特的創(chuàng)想,創(chuàng)造擁有自己風(fēng)格的藝術(shù)展示,如有優(yōu)秀舞蹈,會積極參與?;顒樱瑺幦≡诨顒又邪驯旧绐毦咛厣淖髌氛宫F(xiàn)給大家。這樣的活動會使同學(xué)們的自信心、創(chuàng)造力以及運動能力都會有所提高,而且在日常的學(xué)習(xí)生活中會有更活躍的思維與對學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容更深化快速的理解能力。

    6、積極參加校內(nèi)外活動 我校在每年都會舉辦一些大型的對外開放式活動,但普遍活動都缺乏一些趣味性的節(jié)目。而舞蹈,以它獨特的吸引力在學(xué)生中大受歡迎。所以,我們認(rèn)為學(xué)??梢栽鎏硪恍┯嘘P(guān)舞蹈的,積極的互動或觀賞類節(jié)目,這樣,既可以吸引人們的眼球,又會讓實中在人們的心中留下活潑、充滿生氣、多原化教育的完美學(xué)校形象。除此之外,本社也會嘗試參加校外舞蹈比賽或其他活動(如:全國舞蹈錦標(biāo)賽等)爭取在舞蹈方面為學(xué)校取得優(yōu)異的成績,讓學(xué)校的獲獎項目里出現(xiàn)一道亮麗的風(fēng)景線。





    Application for dance association

    Respect of the school, community association:

    You are good! I am a student of grade 2008 hunan biological institute of electrical and mechanical, I want to apply for establishing dance association in school. Its full name is "hunan institute of electrical and mechanical dance association".

    Rich diversity for the development of our college students' amateur life, cultivate students' moral sentiment, enhance physical expression ability, improve personal artistic talent, at the same time develop campus cultural activities, regularly to our beautiful floor show, hereby apply to the school youth corps committee, request establish dance association. The following are the reason I applied for and in some cases:

    1, rich students in the school life Now the students during the period of school does not have a class, learning, sometimes only recess time to account for off with homework, so go down for a long time, students will naturally feel boring. So, this society will launch a series of activities to make the students actively adjust the mood, to make their feelings about the school life is more fun, colorful, rich, full, learning and entertainment to relax are many, to make you love school, fall in love with the colorful campus life.

    2, improve the collective idea and spirit of solidarity between students Children are now in the one-child family, therefore, will inevitably lack some collective idea spirit of solidarity and mutual cooperation. School founded by the organization of the student community is not to give the students an exercise machine? This community will be some of the various activities (such as: dancing together, original dance choreography itself, etc.) which greatly rise to promote students collective idea and the role of the spirit of solidarity, lets the student between more cohesive and more understand the importance of collective and unity.

    3, to make the students understand the dance, avoid falling university life rich and colorful, nowadays most of the students is addict network game, I hereby against the erosion of life. Promote high school should have healthy, fulfilling, rich wonderful life. So, dance association established, can improve students after-school life, from the online game, from the bad influence of realistic society for teenagers. Let more students life sunshine. After all movement is the beginning of health, the dance is the root of polyethylene gas.

    4, training students creative consciousness and self-confidence books, this, pen seems to have become the pronoun of contemporary students. But who is aware of the students really missing something? Is the self-confidence and innovation consciousness. What happens when the students in the school for three years, even came to power after graduation speak sweetly, a word that will give us what kind of impression? In order to solve this problem, we dance association will organize students dance choreography, and personally arrange clothing, music, process and other performances. Causes the student to stimulate creativity in communication, in the entertainment exercise ability.

    5, to discover and cultivate art talents Dance, has never outdated temperament is a kind of art, however, what is art? It is a kind of alternative ideas, is a special way to show, is remarkable, even is a kind of beauty beyond reality. In life, with the artistic potential and a lot of, but it is just because of the lack of exploiting and training, so this kind of talent was buried in the medium. Dance association activities in the future will provide the students don't be afraid to show their own unique idea, to create their own style of art show, if you have good dance, will actively participate in school activities, strive for in the activity to show our unique works for everyone. Such activities can make students' self-confidence, creativity, and athletic ability will be improved, and in the daily learning life will be more active thinking and learning content to deepen the understanding ability of fast.

    6, take an active part in activities off Every year in our school held a few large foreign open activity, but the universal activities are lack of some interesting programs. And dance, with its unique attraction in cuhk students welcome. So, we think that the school can add some dance, or watch the show positive interaction, such, can attract people's attention, and will leave real in people's hearts in the lively, vibrant, more than the original perfect image of school education. In addition, we also will try to attend school dance competition or other activities (such as: national dance championship, etc.) for excellent results in terms of dance for the school, let the winning projects of school appears a beautiful scenery line.

    We firmly believe that association in the school youth corps committee under the leadership of development will be pragmatic, innovation, cooperation, friendship team. We association would become hunan institute of mechanical and electronic practical and development potential of the organization, establishing a good image for the school. So college, please believe that our young people in the fight for love and ideal can say to do it, and also please believe that we carry forward the tenacity and perseverance of the Chinese spirit in the association of all the work! In the process, of course, if we have enough hard do not good place please also institute youth corps committee to give correct and strive to perfect, make our biological mechanical and electrical college this land in hunan truly learn to self-improvement, self-reliance, self-confidence; Truly the inclusion and the ideal sublimation. There is only one application for the purpose of the association, is to let more young people can be brave to innovation, give full play to their potential, for schools, with action to make a corresponding contribution to society; Real innovation, pragmatic perseverance spirit inheritance in China, and take the training of the team cooperation, love to the society, into every stage of life. So we can ask college youth corps committee approval and support.

    The attached:

    The articles of association of the dance association







